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House Of The Dragon Season 1 Finale

The Dance of the Dragons Can Now Properly Begin

House of the Dragon Season 1 Finale

After a season filled with political intrigue, family feuds, and epic battles, the season finale of House of the Dragon finally set the stage for the upcoming civil war known as the "Dance of the Dragons." The episode, titled "The Black Queen," saw the death of King Viserys I, the crowning of his daughter Rhaenyra as queen, and the subsequent declaration of war by her rival, Aegon II.

The Green and the Black

The Dance of the Dragons will be fought between two factions: the Greens, led by Aegon II, and the Blacks, led by Rhaenyra. The Greens claim that Aegon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, as he is the son of Viserys' first wife, Alicent Hightower. The Blacks, however, argue that Rhaenyra is the rightful heir, as she was named Viserys' heir apparent before his death.

The war is expected to be brutal and bloody, as both sides have powerful allies and resources. The Greens have the support of the Lannisters, the Tyrells, and the Hightowers, while the Blacks have the support of the Starks, the Tullys, and the Velaryons.

The Dance Begins

The Dance of the Dragons officially began with the coronation of Aegon II in the penultimate episode of the season. Rhaenyra, however, refused to accept his claim to the throne, and she quickly rallied her supporters to her cause. The two factions then clashed in a series of battles, including the Battle of the Blackwater and the Battle of the Green Fork.

The war is expected to continue for several years, and it is likely to have a devastating impact on Westeros. The outcome of the war is uncertain, but it is clear that the Dance of the Dragons will be one of the most pivotal events in the history of the Seven Kingdoms.
